Monday, June 6, 2011

Soul Mates

Do you believe in soul mates?  Do you believe that there is one person out there in the world that is meant for you?  What if you pass this person by. . .does that mean that you spend the rest of you life lonely and unsatisfied?  That just seems so cruel.  Or do you think that there may be different people that blend well with you and if you pray about it, God will bless your union?  

For me, I have never been romantic enough to believe in the notion of soul mates.  I have never believed that I would meet someone that I knew instantly was the one for me and I just knew that I would grow old and happy with.  It seemed like a cop out and easy justification for divorce. . . .life gets hard so of course this person must not be my soul mate. . .I must leave him immediately and set out to find my soul mate.  

Travis on the other hand, does believe in soul mates.  He believes that there is only one person in the whole world that will be his perfect match.  Of course some will come close, but only that one will be truly the right fit.  We were having a discussion recently about it. . .by accident.  We usually stay away from this topic because we know the others opinion and it doesn’t do much to continue to beat a dead horse.  The conversation began about this blog and how hard it was for him to read about my past dates while we were apart.  Although it was never intended to cause harm to anyone, it did hurt his feelings reading it.  He struggled to understand why I would go out with so many people while we were apart.  To which I replied,

My intention for my life has never changed.  I want to get married, settle down with one person who will be with me for the rest of my life.  I want my kids to have a dad, not a step dad, but a dad that will play with them, take care of them and love them.  

He began to reply
When you say that. . .

And I knew exactly what he was thinking so rudely I cut him off. .
You are not fitting into a pre-made slot of husband or dad!  You were supposed to be in that spot but you left, so I was trying to fill your spot.  

So, you are saying that I am the person who is supposed to be in that spot in your life?  


Am I the only one who could fill that spot?

Yes. . .   Doh!  I just figured out what he was getting at!  Here I am trying to make him feel good and instead he sneaks in his point on soul mates!!!

So, if I am the only person in the whole wide world that could be that person in your life. . .what would that make me?

Oh, shut up!

He always does that to me!  He always works around to his point in such a subtle way that by the time I realize it. . .I have already said two or three sentences to support his position before I realize that I want the conversation to go somewhere else!  

But. . .it did cause me to look a little deeper at my thoughts on soul mates and google more information about this topic!  Here is what I found that seemed a little depressing to me - 

Less than 30 percent of all people wind up with their true soulmate -- their divine complement. Divine complements are connected soul-to-soul, two complimentary souls who can make magic happen. But remember: Even if you happen to come across one another, it takes two to commit and turn meant-to-be into reality.

Less than 30%. . . really?  That just seems cruel and unusual punishment to the other 70% of the population that don’t get to experience the “divine compliment” of a soul mate!  The odds are so stacked against us, is it really worth the search since odds are you will never find that person?  Or, think about this. . . if you only have a 30% chance to find that person. . what are the odds that you will find them in the same town you live in?  I mean. . .come on. . .I am going to stick with my original opinion on soul mates. . .they don’t exist! 

What about you???  What do you think?  Are you with your soul mate . . .one of the lucky 30%?

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